Where are there likely to be low flying aircraft and what can I do to operate my drone safely?

Low flying aircraft under 500 feet are usually operating in controlled airspace low flying zones, coming into land or top dressing.

VNC maps (visual navigation charts) tell pilots what airspace they are flying in, and what heights they are allowed to fly in. As a UAV drone operator you are a pilot, even when flying at 400 feet of below (the legal height an uncertified drone operator is allowed to fly at without permission) you should know what areas aircraft could be operating at low altitude in.

low flying zones 1024x767 - Where are there likely to be low flying aircraft and what can I do to operate my drone safely?

Our drone courses teach you from a pilots perspective where you can fly and why. Our courses are taught by drone pilots who are also helicopter and aeroplane pilots. Attendees visit the control tower and learn about how drone operations can effect aircraft movements.

Many untrained drone operators are very surprised at how often smaller local airports are shut down or aircraft diverted due to a drone operating without having told anyone their intentions.

Not only is this illegal but also irresponsible. Unfortunately unless you have been taught how airspace works, you as an uncertified operator don’t know any better.

Check out our drone courses here and learn about how you can fly safely and within the law.

What can you do as a Certified Part 101 Drone pilot (compared to uncertified)